Sweet and Savory Potato Salad
I make a pretty mean “normal” potato salad but even great things done the same way get boring after about a billon years or so. So while visiting my family in TX I came up with this thing and tried it out as soon as we got home. Sweetened by the red peppers and sweet relish and made savory by the bacon, key lime juice and dill. It is yummy!
3 lbs Yukon gold potatoes (about 3 large), cut into bite sized chunks
4 Rashers (or 8 pieces) of thick smoked bacon, cooked crispy and chopped
3 Tbs Key Lime Juice
~1 tsp dried dill or better yet ! Tbs fresh dill
~ 4 Tbs Sweet Relish
1 Small yellow onion, diced
1 Red Bell Pepper, diced
2 stalks of celery, diced
~ 1 cup mayonnaise
Kosher salt and black pepper, to taste
1/2 tsp of good smoked paprika for garnish.
- Bring 8 quarts of water to a boil and add potatoes and cook until just soft, drain and allow to cool. Be careful, it is very easy to over-cook Yukon Golds and create a mashed potato salad!
- Assemble other ingredients in a large bowl except for mayonnaise, dill and sweet relish.
- When the potatoes are cool to the touch, add them to the bowl and mix well. Add sweet relish, mayo and dill in the amounts described above.
- Taste and added salt and pepper to taste, then add mayo, relish or dill as your palate demands