September 7, 2024 – New Vocabulary Words


The Words:

 1. Sibilant
2. Lugubrious
3. Facile
4. Obsequiousness
5. Accismus
6. Golgotha
7. Diaspora
8. Loquacious
9. Sialoquent
10. Enucleation


The Meanings:

 A. obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degrel
B looking or sounding sad or dismal
Ca a professor spitting while talking 
D. the spread of a people from their original homeland
E. tending to talk a great dea
F.  a surgical procedure that involves removing the eye and a portion of the optic nerve
G. fricative consonants of higher amplitude and pitch, made by directing a stream of air with the tongue
H. a hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; Calvary. · a place of suffering or sacrifice. · a place of burial.
I. a form of irony where someone feigns indifference to something they desire
J. appearing neat and comprehensive only by ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial








1.1. G (i.e The microphone exaggerates every sibilant.)
2. B (i.e. Marvin the robot in, “Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe” droned on in a lugubrious monotone. )
3. J (i.e. He was revealed to be a facile liar”)
4. A (i.e. He hated obsequiousness, and hesitated whether to deal with the mayor courteously or brusquely.)
5. I (i.e.The meddlers see through her accismus every time and shake their heads.)
6. H (i.e. He walked with dread as if entering a Golgotha..)
7. D (ie Her parents were part of the Latin American diaspora).
8. E (i.e. Never loquacious, Sarah was now totally lost for wordse.)
9. C (i.e. The sialoquent professor could not understand why his pupils would not sit in the front row of the lecture hall.)
10. F (i.e. We performed enucleation of the tumor..)