Hey Larry!
I have been thinking about you alot these past few days. I hope your treatments are working ok without much side effects.
We have a lot of history, my friend. Some of it is a little fuzzy but all of it is cherished. I don’t know if you ever give those times much thought. But lately I have been flashing back to the Boissevain Ave days quite a bit. That there was some seriously unhealthy behaviors. But my fondness for those memories seem to grow the closer I get to the finish line. I would say that time of our lives we were the furthest from reasonable expectations as we could get. There was very little that we did that was reasonable or reasoned for that matter. We just lived with all our might – fill tilt boogie- every day and night. I am pretty sure I have never lived as carefree again. Over the years, I have made a lo more money but it didn’t feel near as good as the days and nights we spent hanging out on our steps at Boissevain.
Tonight I am remembering the closeness we had then. All of us .. WOWI folks, the communal Vogie apartment on Colonial or was it Olney? Near the Red Mule? The little chick from the 3rd floor. We could never remember her name! The land lady holding us responsible for the old guy kicking off next door..Its amazing we lived through all that Boone’s Farm and Ripple Red.
I am grateful for those times and all the times since where we have let our friendship shine. Anyway, I heard this song tonight that made me think of all that and i thought I would share it with you. You have probably heard it before but maybe not in this context. Click here for the video
Love you Larry!
Happy Trails!