Grandpa’s Grilled Pork Roast

Poor Pork! The other white me is often less interesting that most boring rubber chicken breast (boneless and skinless now because anything with flavor is bad for you!). Well, through the magic of the internet and with malice and forethought, I came up with this doozy of a recipe that will perk your taste buds.


1 3-4 lb Pork Roast (trim fat to 1/8-/14in slab)
4 Tbs Dijon mustard
2 Tbs Balsamic vinegar
2 Tbs minced garlic
2 Tbs chopped fresh Rosemary
1 tsp Thyme
1/2 tsp red chili flakes
Kosher Salt
Black Pepper


  1. Prepare the seasoning mix in a small bowl, whisk together the mustard and vinegar until smooth. Mix in garlic, rosemary, thyme and red chili flakes in the mustard vinegar. Set aside and them hug it out while you get the grill set.
  2. Preheat grill on high till that bad boy has burned off all of the old stuff and is getting ready to glow.
  3. Wash, dry and apply a good bit of Kosher Salt and Pepper to the roast on all sides
  4. Sear Roast on high on all sides, Get a nice set of grill marks and slight char. Move Roast to indirect heating side of grill.
  5. Brush on seasoning mix on top and sides of the roast and turn over, paint the other side. Close the grill cover and cook for 35 minutes. Check internal temp.
  6. Repaint seasoning mix on top and sides, turn roast over and cover remaining side. Continue grilling on indirect heat for another 25 minutes or so depending upon the internal temp reading. Check Temp frequently. A dry grilled pork roast is No Bueno!
  7. When internal temp reaches 145 degrees, remove from grill and let rest under a foil tent for 15 minutes.
  8. Carve and serve. This is great to serve with All Rotten Potatoes. Yum!